旗下時尚品牌台南富驛酒店,打破飯店早餐只有在自家餐廳的傳統思維,邀請台南中西區神農老街一帶的國華街名店共同推出 「睏飽飽呷飽飽」專案,四人房每人970元起,雙人房每房2280元起,含經典老店一味品碗粿魚羹、家傳潘家牛肉湯、鮮甜葉家小卷米粉、超人氣裕成鮮果冰品店等,依訂購房型任選品項作為早餐,或退房後前往各小吃店享用午餐。
此外,富驛酒店集團也提供FX旅宿家會員積點與優惠折扣,歡迎更多同業加入。相關優惠訊息可洽官網:,電話 : 02-5572-0777轉1665/1683。
Company Profile
FX Group is a continuously expanding hotel chain with the mission to provide hospitality in a stylish, intelligent, and healthy way, and consists of four brands: Boutix Hotel, Boutix Resort, FX Hotel and FX Inn. FX Group operates 83 hotels in major Chinese Citis, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Taipei, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shijiazhuang, Zhengzhou, Chongqing, Tianjin, Yangzhou and other places with 9126 rooms. Each of the hotels is located in important business district or downtown area, to let our guests enjoy the comfort and convenience in their business trips.
FX Club provides VIP members with competitive prices, exclusive booking service, late check-out, self check-out, extra FX points, free use of iPad and other customized Services. There are exquisite and fashionable gifts for redemption.
FX Hotels Group, FX Group’s subsidiary company, is listed in Taiwan Stock Market, code 2724.
You can make a reservation for special room rates through the following channels:
24-hour booking line: 400-6868-000
WeChat: Fxhotelsgroup
FX website:
We share loyalty plans with 14 Furama Hotels in Southeast Asia.
For media inquiry, please contact Marketing Department:
Phone:(+86-10) 58986694